Menu Plan Monday/Monday Meanderings(8/20/07)
Tiany over at Less of me ~ More of Him is hosting a new meme that ties in with the Menu Plan Monday meme. My computer is acting up and I couldn't grab the button for it, but I thought I would give it a try this week. The Meme is called Monday Meanderings. It is sort of like the menu plan for the week, but it is a plan for the rest of the areas in our life. I'm not an organized person and never claimed to be but in my mind each week I normally say ok I'm going to do this or that this week. This will just give me a spot to write it down and maybe keep me a little more accountable to, well you know DO IT. :)
Bible Study/Devotions ~ I'm still reading and studying the books of Romans and also doing the daily reading out of My Utmost For His Highest.
"Must Do" ~ This week I "MUST"
*Go though all the school supplies I have for the kids and check it off the list
* buy everything off the school supply list that I don't have yet
*Get all the kids book bags full of there school supplies
* Make sure the 1st day of school outfits are all set and ready to go and then get a general idea of what the kids might wear to school for the rest of the week.
Zones~ in this meme you break up your house into zones and do a zone a week, on top of your normal weekly stuff. sort of paying extra attention to that zone.
I think I'm going to break my house up like this Zone 1 = kitchen and dinning room, Zone 2 = living room and foyer, Zone 3= bathroom and my bedroom, Zone 4 = the kids bedrooms. Well since I'm zoning my house I think I better do a zone 5 & 6 these are places I normally don't think to do all that often. Zone 5 = the basement(this is also my laundry area) and Zone 6 is the front and back porch(when we got married we had an agreement that the inside was my job and all outside work was DH's but he has been working alot and the outside is needing my help so I'll add the porches as a zone for me)
Now that we got all that settled.. This week the zone I'll be working on is Zone 4. The kids bedrooms. 3 of the 4 kids are on vacation with grandma this week so this is my chance to get in there and really clean them up right. Plus school is starting next week and what better way to start then with a nice clean room.
Train Them Up~
Like I mentioned 3 of them are not home this week, This leaves me with Little Man my 27 month old. He and I are reading The Preschoolers Bible, well we are reading whatever book he tosses as me and says "mooooommmm book" LOL but at bedtime each night we are reading one story out of The Preschool Bible. This weeks story are. When Isaac Is Born, Esau and Jacob Are Born, Esau Sells His Birthright, Isaac Does Not Fight, Jacob Deceives His Father, Jacob Has a Special Dream, and Jacob Meets Rachel.
My other Goal for Little Man this week was to Finish up the potty training. We have worked on it all summer long and he has the hang of it if he is at home without a diaper or pull up on, but most of the summer has been spent NOT at home and running around all over in which case I put a diaper or pull up on him because I would rather change a diaper then clean up a big mess(Plus I wasn't really setting out to potty train just yet) But since it was just me and him this week and next week the kids go back to school I figured now is the time to finish up this potty stuff, ONLY ~sigh~ he is sick with the runny poos. There is NO way I'm taking this boy out of a diaper until he is 48 hours poo poo free. So we will just play this potty training thing by ear.
Menu Planning~ Last with with the fair(pictures will be coming later in the day) and the kids leaving Friday and with DH picking other things to eat. I didn't follow my menu plan at all. In not following it I still have 3 meals leftover from last week that I didn't get around to cooking. Those three will be on this weeks menu. Also since I'm only cooking for two adults and one two year old, who is sick and not eating much at all right now, I'm sure to have tons of leftover so we might not get to all the meals I plan for this week also.
Monday: Spaghetti with a salad and garlic bread.
Tuesday: Back by popular demand(from my DH) Marvelous Mini Meatloaves I make it with the garlic powder and Italian seasoning option and with the tomato sauce add on choice no cheese or anything, and this is the way DH likes it. We will have this with some mash potatoes and corn YEAH it was requested but we never got to it LOL so here it is again this week.
Wednesday: Smoked sausage, scalloped potato's and green beans.
Thursday: Salisbury Steaks, green beans and applesauce.. I just notices this one has been on the menu for three weeks now and I still never got around to cooking it.
Friday: either Lasagna or bratwurst on the grill or Leftovers. or who know maybe we will order pizza LOL.. how is that for planning ;P
For more menu plan Monday post, visit Laura's blog!
And don't forget to check out Tiany over at Less of me ~ More of Him for more Monday Meanderings
If you did a menu plan monday or a Monday meandering or both.. don't forget to sign the Mr Linky so I will be sure to check it out.
Happy Monday everyone.
Great plans KC! I like your choices for Friday too.
Happy Monday!
Your menu looks delicious!
My Life as Annie!
Wow- way to go on the organization front! Your menu looks hearty and delicious also. Have a great week! :)
Your menu plan for Friday is funny! Kind of like my everyday plan- who knows what we'll have!!
I love the zone idea! I probably won't blog about it, but I'm going to do it.
sure sounds like a delicious week ahead!!! ;)
The mini meatloaves sound great!!
Your menu sounds delicious! My dh loves the mini meatloaves too.
Good luck with the potty training!
You have great plans for this week! Happy Monday:-)
what great meals!like the other ladies have said love the idea of mini-meatloaves!have agreat day
Sounds like a yummy week. Last week I had lots of carryover meals from not cooking the previous week. happens to us all!!
Have a great week!
I pray you have a very blessed and productive week! You planned it all out so well :-)
Your mini meatloaves sound so good, im gonna have to try those!
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