Time Travel Tusday(10/23/07)
Annie over at My Life As Annie, our wonderful host of Time Travel Tuesday, has this for us for this 23 day of October 2007. "this week. What's the most serious accident or illness you have ever had? Tell us about it!"
The biggest accident I was ever in was in late Aug 1994. I was driving just 2 blocks from my house to DH's house(who wasn't my husband just yet) I was going there to pick up my youngest BIL to take him to golf practices. I was in college at the time but BIL was still in high school, The high school had just let out of school for the day so all the kids were walking home or driving home or however they got home. I was at a sit still position to make a left hand turn, waiting on two cars to go by so I wouldn't get hit. When some silly 16 year old boy with a freshly new license rear ended me, doing 65 in a 25 zone. pushed me and my car two doors up, totaling my daytona and messing up my are and shifting 2 or 3 vertebra's in my neck.. can you say OUCH. Not only was this my first accident with me as the driver but also my first and only ambulance ride to the hospital. All of this with in about a month and a half before my wedding.. UGH.
I'm heading out shopping with my mom today and she should be here soon so I'll have to save my biggest illness story for another day, but it included 5 surgeries, and 3 hospital stays all with in 5 weeks. So until another time, That is it for me with the Time Traveling for this Tuesday.
Have a great day everyone.
Ouch is right. So did you have any evidence (neck brace/sling) of your accident on your wedding day?
Wow, that looks & sounds painful KC!
Oh NO!! This is why I think they should move the age of getting a driver's license up to 18! Kids just don't think!
oh my goodness!!! Wow...
Ouch!!! Hope everything was ok by the time you got married -- I imagine you wouldn;t want to tuck your bouquet into the sling. :-)
I can't imagine what kind of illness would put you in the hospital that many times and cause that many surgeries. Sounds awful!!!
You look so miserable in that photo but still had the wits about you to put on red socks. Love it!
Whatever else happened sounds way too scary.
You expression in that picture says it all. So what happened to the kid for putting you through that and do you have any repercussions from that still to this day?
What a scary accident! Such a blessing that it wasn't even more serious than it was, with the ridiculous speed of that kid driver. I hope you were doing better by the time your wedding day arrived!
Yeah...ouch is right!! do you still have neck probs from it?? I wouldn't doubt it!!
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