There was a little break but Way back Wednesday is back. The Kept Woman left her home of snow and cheese and took a trip to TX. She is not happy to be back in the cold. So she wants to see us in some not so happy moments. here what she is looking for "...let's see those pictures of you showing your anger or perhaps a 747 landing on that big pouty lip!"
I have 3 shots i can show. the 1st one was in November 1972 I was a week old.

The 2nd was about 8 months later July 1973

and the last one I was 1976 I think. I was about 5 1/2 years old. This was at my church but not just for a normal church service, we were there for a wedding. NOT just any wedding, it was the wedding my sister(
remember that baby) was the flower girl in. Guess who was getting all the attention.. well you know it wasn't me.. I think they took 2 pictures of me that whole day and like 100 of her well not really this was before digital so it was more like 20.

So there you have it my pouty lip and fits for this weeks Way Back Wednesday.
great pic
Those are too cute! Pouty lips are much cuter when we were little aren't they? LOL
nice pictures. Happy WW
Adorable pictures!!!! I love them!
Hey I would have pouted too at the wedding, not fun having someone else get all the attention!
I love those. I think that last picture looks pleasant, not pouty. I never would've guessed. Very cute pics!
You in that football pool crying is crackin me up. Where is all the water?
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