Today for Time Travel Tuesday, Annie has us going back and revisiting our 1st date.
For me this is an easy one.. I remember my very 1st date ever like it was yesterday.
Date: April 1, 1989
My Age: 16 years old
Place: Dinner and a movie
With who: B.
His Age: 19 years old
B. was a guy from my church who I had a crush on for as long as I could remember. When he was in 6th grade and I was in 3rd I told my best friend that one day I was going to marry B, and she just LOL at me and said, Yeah right that would be the day.. Jump ahead many many years to my freshmen year in high school(B's Senior year) I use to walk out of my way just to pass him in the hallways between classes I use to make my friends crazy wanting to enter the building on the totally opposite side of where I had classes just so he would say HI to me as we passed each other, or have him mess with my hair as he walked passed me. You see he thought of me as sort of a kid sister, but hey I would take what I could get, because I had a huge crush on him.
BUT sadly, he ALWAYS had a girlfriend. He was Mr All that in school and could have pretty much any girl he wanted.. and I was sooooooooooo not all that in high school.. I was the geeky freshmen, with the big glasses, bad perm and zits.(I paint a pretty picture of myself No, but it was all true) He only talked to me because we had been sort of friends for so long. We were in the same youth group in church until he moved up to Teens and then a few years later we were in the same Teen club at church.. He was also best friends with one of my neighbors so he was always over there so we hung out.
The summer after he graduated high school he was hanging out at my house alot with his friend(we had a swimming pool the friend didn't) and he was between girlfriends I was thinking OH YEAH here is my chance.. One night it was late and dark and I was out in my back yard swimming under our one light we had back there and B and his friend came over and started to talk to me, B was being his flirty self and i was loving it and then he said "oh did I tell you I meet this girl"
UGH!!!!!!!!! At that point I just hated him. about 2 or 3 months later that relationship was over.. See he was my friend and not only did he share "I meet this girl" sort of stuff with me.. I would go to him for advice on my "boyfriends" also.. we had been doing this sort of stuff with each other for years. So I gave up.. figured there is just no way he is ever going to think of me in any other way other then his kid sister. BUT even though I gave up I couldn't stop having feelings for him.. Jump ahead to that February.. and I had 3 or 4 girls coming to my house asking me if I knew where he was, it was his birthday and they all wanted to wish him a happy birthday.. I was soooooooooooo sick of this stuff by this point.. This one girl said I know you will see him before I will so can you give him this card for me.. YUCK... I smiled said sure and tossed the card into the fire place LOL(I was bad that way) It was at that point I figured I couldn't do this anymore.. I was either going to hate him or love him.. In March we got a little closer and was flirting a bit with each other He asked me to go with his basketball team to this church tournament(anyone ever hear of Word Of Life?? if so it was that sort of basketball tournament) I was the score keeper but I thought I was sort of going more like a sort of 'I like you' sort of way like a little more then friends(I found out later that was the case) But this girl was there that he meet the year before and she liked him and kept flirting with him and I got ticked.. My old boyfriend was on the team so I just went and started hanging out with him.. I found out years later that me hanging out with J(the old boyfriend) totally ticked B off and it was at that point that he stopped thinking of me as that kid sister. This was like the early part of March.. I was so ticked at him after that basketball tournament that I stopped talking to him. and HE was so upset with me that he wasn't going to talk to me anymore either. ONLY at the end of March I was walking home from school one day and saw him at my neighbors looking so hot in these cute tight black short..(oopes mom don't read that part LOL) ONLY he was on Crutches and had his foot all wrapped up.. So I went home telling myself.."you are not talking to him he is a jerk don't talk to him don't talk to him" but I couldn't help myself.. I went over to see what he did to his foot. (he landed on it wrong after coming down for dunking the basketball) Well that started us talking again. So the next day he stopped by my house. This time without my neighbor, this was a 1st.. he use to hang at my place but only when his friend was there, this time he came over just to hang with me, not because I was his friends neighbor.
We were talking about movies and stuff and he mentioned he saw this movie the night before that I wanted to go and see.. and I just sort of said "UGH.. all these people are going to see that and no one has invited me to go with them what is up with that" he said "why don't you and I go and see it Saturday"
I think my heart stopped, ONLY I had never been out with a guy on a date before and to top it off my Parents didn't like B. They didn't like the way he flirted with all the girls and how all the girls sort of threw themselves at him.(my parents were youth leaders and helped in teen club at church so they were at alot of our activities and so they seen the flirting of him with many girls) So i really didn't think my dad would have said yes.. So I asked B if I could take my friend K along with us and he said sure.. So I asked my parents if it would be ok if B took K and me to see that movie on Saturday and dad said that would be ok.(then later he told me he would have said yes even if I wasn't taking K LOL oh well)
Anyways on April 1, 1989 B and I and K went to see Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) (yeah don't laugh I wanted to see it LOL) I sat in the middle of B and K and during the movie B kept leaning over to say stuff like "watch this you'll like this part". and some how during one of the time he tapped me on the arm to tell me "watch this" we ended up holding hand. Up until that point I really wasn't sure if he had asked me to this movie as his kid sister because I said I wanted to see it, or if this was a date date.. at that point i knew it was a date date.
Afterwards we went to Pizza Hut and had pizza. While we were there I took My friend K into the restroom and was all excited and was going on and on about him holding my hand and all that.. and like any supportive friend she asked me "what the heck is wrong with you, this is B, you don't want any part of this" I was thinking 'what! um hello!! I walked out of my way all last year at school just to pass this guy in the hallway heck yes, I want a part of This' So me and K got into a fight about this so she pouted all though out us eating our Pizza(K and B never got along) Anyways we ate pizza and talked and then dropped K off at her house and drove around a bit listening to the radio and then He dropped me off at home.. and that was the end of my 1st day.. NO I did not kiss him on the 1st date.(I waited for 2 days after the 1st date ;P)
A week after our 1st date we went out again movie and then Pizza once again, this time we meet up with his best friend and girlfriend for the movie and pizza and then headed home alone them in there car and us in B's car. It was 10:45pm and the bangle song Eternal Flame came on the radio and he said, to me "remember this day, remember this time, and remember this song, because this is the day I'm going to ask you to wear my class ring" Sort of corny I know but it was sooooooooooo sweet back then LOL. That was April 8, 1989
Jump ahead 18 years and I now call B my husband of almost 13 years. We had our ups and downs and breaks up and he and I both going out here and there with other people along the way, but our longest break up during that time was only 3 months. So we don't count our break ups when we count how long we have been together because even when we were broke up we were still talking pretty much every day(well if you call yelling and screaming at each other talking LOL)
It has been really fun and I wouldn't change a thing.
So there you have it, my time travel for today.. Back to one of my favorite days, My very 1st date.
OH Yeah.. the photo at the top of this was taken about a year after our 1st date. Isn't he cute ;)
To read more 1st date post and or to play along in the Time Travel Tuesday, go check out Time Travel Tuesday over at My Life As Annie.
Happy Traveling.