Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday(Texting Toddler)

While at Grandma's house(my mom's) back on April 18,2008 Little Man got his hands on my brothers(also pictured) cell phone.

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marcia@joyismygoal said...

what a cute ornery face

Disney for Boys said...

What sweet pics, adorable!!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

So talented, so young, SO CUTE!

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is cute

SandyCarlson said...

How many pizzas did he order?

Anonymous said...

Don't they just love the phones. My son does!

Jennifer said...

I love the look on his face in the second picture.
Happy WW!

Melissa said...

That is tooo cute! His looks so happy to have that phone! Happy WW

Unknown said...

You can never be too young to start texting!!!

Joyce said...

Not only is your son cute, he is well on his way to being techno savvy. :)

Thanks for stopping by my WW.

Andrea said...

haha...that is too cute - in a few years he'll be asking for his own I bet! :)

Courtney said...

He is too cute. His smile looks so mischevious!

Kmommy said...

Hilarious! And how adorable! Looks just like daddy :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Start 'em young, I say!

Anonymous said...

Emelia texts better than the adults. These kids!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Amazing how quickly they learn from watching adults. Great photos!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Happy WW :)

Unknown said...

That second picture is priceless - he looks so happy with himself!!

Heather said...

He is such a cutie!!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

These are the kind of shots that are great keepers for the family album :)

Fifi said...

They sure start young these days! I love his smile at uncle!very cute!

You've been a very busy blogger! I had a lot to catch up on!
Beautiful song on your blog!

Anonymous said...

That kid knows more than me!!!
Great pictures!
Happy WW~

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures! Thanks for stopping by! Happy WW!!

Melanie said...

He is obviously quite proud of himself! Toddlers love cell phones don't they?

Anonymous said...

He looks gleeful!!!

tonya said...

What a wonderful family!

Diane Meyer said...

I've just been reading through some of your old posts and I guess I would like to say I like how your mind works. Or you let God work on your heart and mind is a better way to say it. :-)
Anyway, just stopped by to say Hi, nice to meet ya>

Anonymous said...

Thats just too cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what an amazing smile they both have! Good shot!

Anonymous said...

They are cute and i know its nice to have fun with daddy...

Jan Parrish said...

What a cutie!

storyteller said...

Looks like they’re both having a wonderful time ;--)
I shared on each of my blogs today.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Ohh he looks so adorable and happy! Thanks for dropping by...;)

Cheers from Singapore!

CC said...

Darn cute new millennium boy!

Aisha said...

Love the photo! :)