The Ultimate Blog Party

I'm a Christian, I accepted Christ as my savior on March 21, 1977 when I was 4 years old. Every night before bed my dad would tell us a bedtime story.. This night we were all(my dad and sister and I) laying in bed. I don't remember what story we had or what we were talking about.. But we started talking about God and being saved and that night I told my dad I wanted to get saved, Dad helped me by leading me in a prayer and that Night The Lord saved me. 

I started my blog to keep a record of the fun things the kids do or say. Yes I'm a mommy blogger and I love it. Besides talking about my children, I also take part in some blogging fun. Every so often God will lay something on my heart that I feel lead to blog and I'll do so.. So I guess my blog is filled with M's, mommy post, meme post and meaningful post. 

Its just my dad to day mindless chatter

A little intro to my family
Princess is my oldest she turned 11 years old back on Jan 18, 07. She is a 5th grader and a really busy one at that..

Mr Man is our 2nd. On his birthday this past year Nov. 15, 06 he turned 7 years old and he is in 1st grade this year
Sweet Pea is #3. She is now 5 years old her birthday was Jan 29, 07 she is in her 2nd year of preschool and next month will be getting her all signed up for kindergarten in the fall

Our 4th child name is Alyssa Reese, She is our Glory baby. I was due with her on Oct 29, 1994 but God chose to take her home when I was 13 weeks along with her.
#5 is Little Man, our baby who isn't much of a baby baby anymore. He will be 2 years old come May 14, 07. He is growing up and becoming more of a big kid every day..

Dont forget to get some cake, and icecream before you go.

Let me know if you are taking part in the party and if you want to be part of the party click below
This is a sticky post until the party is over, for my new blog post check below.

This is a sticky post until the party is over, for my new blog post check below.
11 comments: are good...December 01,2007???
I was going to mention that you've posted in the future also, but someone beat me to it LOL Thanks for the gallbladder support. My surgery went well and I provided an update on my blog.
Glad you joined the party!!
Come on over & check out my fun Bump! Photo Tag going on! Hope you’d like to play along and post your favorite pregnant belly pic!
Yay for co-sleeping, too!!!
hELLO, kc!
All very nice, thank you
good week for you
Thanks for all the delicious party favors - love the balloons! Have fun partying!!!
Great party!!!! And thanks for sharing all about your life :-)
what a great intro post to your party! It was fun getting to "know" you!
What a great party! And even pictures of the beverages available...NICE! =)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It has been nice to read even more about your family. I look forward to getting to know you better!
Nice to meet you! Enjoy the party!
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