Weekend Recap Sept 12-14, 2008
It's my Weekend Recap time.. so go get yourself a snack pull up a comfy chair and get ready for the wild ride I like to call my weekend.
Friday Sept 12, 2008 woke up to a big crash of thunder that shook the whole house, It honestly made everyone of my kids jump out of bed, I know this because all but one of them were in bed with me, that was Princess and she told me when I had to wake her up for school just 10 minutes later that she jumped out of bed and almost hit her head on the ceiling(loft bed and all). That started a wet rainy weekend. After getting all the kids off to school I came home and got myself dress and ready to go to my dentist appointment.. Then it hit me.. SHOOT I Forgot to give the kids there lunches.. So it was back up to the school where DH was so kind enough to walk the lunches in for me,(since my poor ankle and foot is acting up again when I walk too much) Then we were off to my dentist appointment. DH and Little Man dropped me off, and DH took Little Man grocery shopping while i was getting a filling put back in(I think I forgot to mention that last Saturday while I was brushing my teeth a filling that has only been in my mouth a few months fell out) After they replaced the filling DH picked me back up, he only had 1/2 the shopping done because there just wasn't any good sales at meijers this week. Since we were already in the parking lot of a new CiCi's DH took us out to lunch YUMMMMMMMMMM.. but so not good when I'm trying to lose weight. After lunch we hit the walmart super center finished up with the groceries and headed home in the monsoon which was Friday. We got soaked while we unloaded the groceries and carried them into the house.. Little Man was asleep when we got home and continued to sleep after I got him in the house and dried him off.. So I put the groceries away and it was time for princess's school to be over, but she wasn't coming home because she had volleyball practices.. So I just sat down when I got a phone call... "MOM, I need your help, I forgot my knee pads, can you bring them too me, and you have to hurry I'll get in trouble if there not here by 3pm" So much for sitting down.. I found the knee pads and off I went.. Got them there Right at 3pm.. then it was over to Mr Man and Sweet Peas school to wait for there bell to ring so I could take them over to my grandma's house where they were going to spend a few hours playing with there friends in grandma's neighborhood. I take them to grandmas and then I come home it is about 3:45pm at the time(a side note all this running that day was done in DH's car) I pull into the drive way and see something hanging from underneath my van.. I get down on the wet driveway to look and see what it is.. and it's a belt.. I open up the engine and sure enough the Belt is off my van.. DH had taken my van to work the night before and when he turned onto our road he hit a big puddle of water.. at that point he said the power staring went out, but he didn't think anything of it because he figured it was just alot of water that got up in there and it would work when it dried.. Well he was half right.. it was alot of water that got up there, only all that water knocked the belt off the van. So at 4pm I put a call out to our mechanic AKA my dad LOL to see if he had time this weekend to put the belt back on for us.. He said he was on his way after work.. I don't remember what time he got here, but he fixed the belt quick and easy and then asked if he could take the van for the weekend and fix the fan that has been out for the last month or so, since it was going to rain all weekend he wasn't spending Saturday out on the boat fishing, he thought now would be a good time to tackle my van.. So Friday night, my parents went home with my van and my two younger kids who were off to spend the night with my parents. (oh and somewhere in between there I picked Mr Man and Sweet Pea up from my grandmas)
Friday Sept 12, 2008 woke up to a big crash of thunder that shook the whole house, It honestly made everyone of my kids jump out of bed, I know this because all but one of them were in bed with me, that was Princess and she told me when I had to wake her up for school just 10 minutes later that she jumped out of bed and almost hit her head on the ceiling(loft bed and all). That started a wet rainy weekend. After getting all the kids off to school I came home and got myself dress and ready to go to my dentist appointment.. Then it hit me.. SHOOT I Forgot to give the kids there lunches.. So it was back up to the school where DH was so kind enough to walk the lunches in for me,(since my poor ankle and foot is acting up again when I walk too much) Then we were off to my dentist appointment. DH and Little Man dropped me off, and DH took Little Man grocery shopping while i was getting a filling put back in(I think I forgot to mention that last Saturday while I was brushing my teeth a filling that has only been in my mouth a few months fell out) After they replaced the filling DH picked me back up, he only had 1/2 the shopping done because there just wasn't any good sales at meijers this week. Since we were already in the parking lot of a new CiCi's DH took us out to lunch YUMMMMMMMMMM.. but so not good when I'm trying to lose weight. After lunch we hit the walmart super center finished up with the groceries and headed home in the monsoon which was Friday. We got soaked while we unloaded the groceries and carried them into the house.. Little Man was asleep when we got home and continued to sleep after I got him in the house and dried him off.. So I put the groceries away and it was time for princess's school to be over, but she wasn't coming home because she had volleyball practices.. So I just sat down when I got a phone call... "MOM, I need your help, I forgot my knee pads, can you bring them too me, and you have to hurry I'll get in trouble if there not here by 3pm" So much for sitting down.. I found the knee pads and off I went.. Got them there Right at 3pm.. then it was over to Mr Man and Sweet Peas school to wait for there bell to ring so I could take them over to my grandma's house where they were going to spend a few hours playing with there friends in grandma's neighborhood. I take them to grandmas and then I come home it is about 3:45pm at the time(a side note all this running that day was done in DH's car) I pull into the drive way and see something hanging from underneath my van.. I get down on the wet driveway to look and see what it is.. and it's a belt.. I open up the engine and sure enough the Belt is off my van.. DH had taken my van to work the night before and when he turned onto our road he hit a big puddle of water.. at that point he said the power staring went out, but he didn't think anything of it because he figured it was just alot of water that got up in there and it would work when it dried.. Well he was half right.. it was alot of water that got up there, only all that water knocked the belt off the van. So at 4pm I put a call out to our mechanic AKA my dad LOL to see if he had time this weekend to put the belt back on for us.. He said he was on his way after work.. I don't remember what time he got here, but he fixed the belt quick and easy and then asked if he could take the van for the weekend and fix the fan that has been out for the last month or so, since it was going to rain all weekend he wasn't spending Saturday out on the boat fishing, he thought now would be a good time to tackle my van.. So Friday night, my parents went home with my van and my two younger kids who were off to spend the night with my parents. (oh and somewhere in between there I picked Mr Man and Sweet Pea up from my grandmas)
After feed Princess, Mr Man, DH and myself leftover for dinner(got to love when you don't have to cook) got everyone showered, I did some more laundry and we all went to bed sort of early. (that would be by midnight LOL)
Saturday Sept 13, 2008 we got to sleep in, as in not having to get up before 7am.. The alarm went off at 7am I woke Princess up and she and I got dress. At 7:30am I woke DH and Mr Man up and Princess and I were out the door to get her to her school where the bus was leaving for her volleyball game at 7:45am. I got back home close to 8am, I ate breakfast and DH, Mr Man and I took off for Princess's volleyball game. It was a great game.. WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in two matches. Princess did well had a few really pretty spikes.. and a few awesome blocks.
Saturday Sept 13, 2008 we got to sleep in, as in not having to get up before 7am.. The alarm went off at 7am I woke Princess up and she and I got dress. At 7:30am I woke DH and Mr Man up and Princess and I were out the door to get her to her school where the bus was leaving for her volleyball game at 7:45am. I got back home close to 8am, I ate breakfast and DH, Mr Man and I took off for Princess's volleyball game. It was a great game.. WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in two matches. Princess did well had a few really pretty spikes.. and a few awesome blocks.

It was still pouring down rain so we weren't even sure if there was going to be a game, but figured it couldn't hurt to go and have a nice dinner and wait out the rain and see if they could play. So we drove to the airport or close around there and took the RTA train to tower city.

We headed up into the party deck and had a wonderful picnic of fried chicken, bbq pork, hot dogs, corn on the cob, potato salad, watermelon and c.c cookies. and all the pop you could drink. We got there at noon and had an open buffet of food till 2pm.. we talked with some other folks from DH work and watched the rain come down, and come down and come down and come down.

We ended up with a rain delay and when the rain got to just a sprinkle they gave us a starting time of 3:15pm To help pass the time while waiting for the game, Mr Man and I walked around the field and checked everything out. Also.. up on the big screen they had a thing where you could Text to there number and have your text run across the screen.. I was on the phone with Princess(the queen of text) when that went across and I gave her the number and she started sending text to us to read on the big screen.. Mr Man got a kick out of seeing his name sent by his sister who wasn't even with us.. Up on the big screen.
When the game got started we went to our seats which were right in front down 1st base line, super great view from there.. But we sat in the rain pretty much the whole game.. ONLY to watch us lose.

In the 7th inning we were going to leave but had to wait in our long line to get our bobble head you know the important stuff. Then we took our walk back to tower city and waited for our train. after all that it was 7pm when we got to our car for our 45 minute car trip home. Here is a pic of Mr Man while we wait for the train or tram or whatever it is called.

Here is a slide show with a bunch of pictures I took of our trip with Mr Man.
(if you ever see any of my slide shows not showing pictures but a black box asking if you want to add pics or something like that, just click on the X and it will close that black box and start the slide show for ya)
My parents were waiting for us at our house with the two younger kids, we picked up Princess and her friend B.C. who went over grandmas after she got back from her ball game, We took B.C. home and got home and order pizza for dinner..(woo hoo another day of no cooking for me) Went to bed by 11:30pm..
OOPS almost forgot Saturday morning we opened the paper to see that they had put in the picture and the story about Mr Man and his 13inch yellow perch .

Sunday Sept 14, 2008 Woke up went to church. We had a dinner at the church today with lots of yummy food, I took some pictures with a cell phone but they really didn't turn out well. for some reason they turned out small and when I try to add them to the post you just can't even see them so I'm bummed about that. only one of them turned out and that was of the dessert table LOL.. so here it is. with only 1/2 the yummy treats on it this was while they were setting up.

You are one amazing momma with all that you do ! Makes my weekends seem so boring, lol ! I'm glad you had an awesome time with R at the game.... How cool !! Try and stay dry, I only wish we were having some wet weather here in California :)
I always think I have busy weekends until I read yours each Monday. Have a great week.
You are always soooo busy! I think the exciting part of our weekend was going to a huge indoor garage sale at an arena nearby. Other than that- we didn't do much of anything.
Love the cotton candy picture and I checked your other post too with the older cotton candy picture. Too cute!
another extremely busy weekend in your neck of the woods!
Loved the Indians post, looked like so much fun and to be THAT close, I thought we always sat close, you had the Best seats ever;)
that storm WAS crazy! I was taking dinner over to the Pastor and the Main street was blowing all kinds of stuff limbs etc over the road! A real obstacle course getting there! We were lucky though, those are some scary photos you got!
Hey you got to see the Tribe. I cannot wait until the day I can take my kids to see the Tribe. I'd take them to see the Browns but like you said no fun to watch a team lose ;)
I still can't believe how bad Ike was up there. All we got in Dallas was a gentle rain--I am not complaining!
Wow.. You covered about all the bases on your weekend! You are on busy lady! love the volley ball pix, heck I like All the pix! What a fun action packed weekend~ Glad that your family was safe from the storm damage.
You didn't lose your power? Lucky duck - we went 52 hours without power!
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