Tuesday, November 21, 2006

God Is So Good.

God is So Good.
here is a little back ground of what has been going on.
Early part of Nov my DH got a phone call letting him know that his union at work was talking about striking due to a awful contract that the company was offering, The company took that one back and gave them just a tad bit better but still bad contract. The union rep was sure they guys would vote it down, but the plant manager told them if they didn't pass it they were going to close down the plant. So for a few weeks now i have been on pins and needles wondering what was going to happen and not sure if my husband(the only sorce of income we have) was going to have a job or not.
Monday they voted on the contract and they voted it down. Yesterday my husband was told they will know on Wed if they had a job to go back to after thanksgiving. So lastnight was a little stressful but I took it to God in prayers like i have been doing this whole month. Well this morning i got a phone call from DH telling me they are not closeing the plant, that after thanksgiving they will go back to the table and talk out the contract some more. So hopefully they will come to some sort of agreement.
Nest I'm sure by now you all know that my 3 older kids are in TX with my parents and my sister. Yesterday I got a phone call from my mom telling me Sweet Pea was running a 103.0 fever, that her tummy hurt her and she hasn't ate all day and she has done nothing but sleep and lay lifeless on the couch all day. OH my goodness. I just wanted to cry, and did. My baby girl is 1180 miles away from me and sick and there was nothing i could do for her. So I took it to God in prayer.
I Just thank God for his goodness.. I tell ya He is so Great.. Just yesterday and today he has answered all my prayers. 1st there was this whole job thing and God worked in a way that will not only keep DH from losing his job but also worked it in a way where the guys didn't vote in the crappy contract that the company was trying to force them to take. Then I was so worried about Sweet Pea and the only thing i could do for her this far away was pray for her, so with tears flowing down my cheeks that is what i did, and with in an hour of that I got a call that she was feeling better, her fever broke and she was up and running around like she was never sick at all. The other thing i was worried about was this utility bill, I don't know what on earth happened with it but they were telling me i owned $500(which i thought they were crazy) and it needed to be paid by friday and I didn't know where i was going to come up with that money.. so that has been in my prayers for a week now.. and this morning God answered that prayer also.. I thought i would call these people and ask for an extension.. for another week to come up with that money. and they told me no.. But then while the lady was looking at my account on her computer, she found a mistaken on there end, and i didn't own that much(which i didn't think i did but got no where with the 1st person i talked to about it that 1st person acted if i was clueless) So i only owed what i thought i did of $175.. So i paid them that today and Life is good now.. I hate the stress of stuff like this happening, but I always love to see God at work. I think sometimes He brings this stuff into our life in order for us to remember, that he has promised to provide all our needs, and then to show us his great handy work in action... God is so Good. and since i'm bragging on God there is one more I want to list.. Last monday Princess and Sweet Pea had work done at the dentist office. the friday before i got a message from the dentist reminding me of there appt but also said my portion of the work will need to be paid that day and they gave me an amount of $675.00 I about hit the floor, i never expected there work to be that much.. I didn't have the money and was about to cancel the appt, when I though God answered my prayers when my grandpa called and offered me his CC and i could just pay him back when i had the money. I was thankful thinking that God has worked is wonderful handy work again making it so i didn't have to cancel the appt. So I get there the girls have there work done and when i check out they said i owed $155.00(which is more of what i thought it would have been) So i did question the amount they told me and she said, that was our mistake, i gave you the wrong amount over the phone i was looking at some other persons chart, I'm sorry.. So i was able to pay the dentist.
OK.. i'm an just so amazed at how much God takes care of me. I don't even think i can express how happy am I at the moment..

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