~T13~ Spring Break Recap Day 6 part 3(day 3 in TN)
Over the last couple of weeks I have been sharing with you all a Recap of our Spring break 2009. I know it has been taking a while to get though these but as you know I'm picture happy :-)
Today I'm still posting about Day #6 of our Spring break. Part #1 was our trip to Townsend TN you can read and see pictures HERE Part #2 was our tip into the mountain to hike by some water falls, you can see the pictures from that Here. This is part #3
After we got back from our drive we went and ate lunch the one time on this trip that we ate out, we stopped by Long John Silvers and got a family meal feeding 6 of us for under $20 that is always a good thing. :-) Then we went back to the room, the girls got interested in an ICarly show so I stayed in the room with them and Little Man, while DH and Mr Man went out walking a little, there was a car show going on for the upcoming weekend and they went and checked out some cars. After that we spent a few hours down at the pool.
Here are the pictures of Day #6 After lunch and before dinner(there will be a part 4 tomorrow showing what we did after dinner and though out the evening)
Since today is Thursday I'll give this to you in T13 style.