Year-End Recap #1 (1st 5 months)
Here are a end of the year meme This first one looked like a fun meme to do. The year-end recap. Post the first line from the first post from each month of the past year, The 2nd part is to share your favorite pictures from each month. Then I'm going to add a highlight section for each month.
January 2007- the post title was Wordless Wednesday (1/3/07) but since I am hardly ever wordless I did have a 1st line to this post "WOO HOO !!!! my 1st post of 2007. My babies Christmas morning 2006" highlights Princess and Sweet Pea's birthdays. Princess turned 11 and Sweet Pea 6. We had five party's , Princess with the 6 of us, Princess kids party, Sweet Pea's with the 6 of us and Sweet Pea's kids party and then a combined party for both of the girls with all of our family. We also went to Disney on Ice.
February 2007 - It's a boy thing, or not was the title, the first line was "Yesterday while looking at Wordless Wednesday photo's I came across this blog"
Highlights for February 2007: Little man used the potty for the 1st time, Sweet Pea had her 5 year check up and kindergarten shots, ended up in the ER the next day due to a bad reaction from them. DH turned 37 years old. Mr Man was still playing in his 1st year of basketball. Princess had an EEG and Cat Scan the results of which showed that she was having migraines, Princess also was playing on the schools 5th grade girls basketball team and had started Academic challenge practices, and Also had her performance in the school play. We also had a Blizzard
March 2007 - Menu Plan Monday(3/5/07)& weekend recap
The first line was "WOW what a LONG weekend we had. I'll get into that later, but due to this long weekend I didn't go grocery shopping on Friday or Saturday, but I did manage to hit the store Sunday night after we got home so we could have some food in our house to eat."
Highlights: Princess had her basketball end of season tournament the same weekend her travel softball team started there softball tournament season. With her softball team we traveled south of us and got to stay in a really nice hotel with a cook water park(not one of the big ones but still fun) Little Man spent the night away form me for the 1st time, he stayed with my parents(well I guess his 1st time was when he was 4 weeks old and I was in the hospital for a week but the 1st time since he was 4 weeks old) Little man also pooped in the potty for the 1st time, I got my new computer desk and We remodeled the bathroom
April 2007 - menu plan monday(4/2/07)
first line "no cute banner/button today, I'm still unable to upload images into blogger."
Highlights: Princess's academic challenge team took 1st place in the county wide tournament, Princess also got strep throat. We spent Easter in TN, my 1st time spending Easter away from our families. after Easter we left TN and went to Florida for the kids spring break, then stopped on our way back home in TN for the Dollywood parade. After getting back from Florida PrinceS's Academic Challenge team went on to take 1st place in the tri-county tournament.. from there there was no place for a 5th grade team to advance too.
May 2007- Wordless Wednesday May 2, 07 (kids sunday April 29, 07)
This was a wordless Wednesday post in which I was wordless so here are the pictures from that post.

Highlights: the kids started there baseball, softball and teeball season, Little Man turned 2 Princess was honored at an educational meeting at the high school for taking 1st place not only in the county but also the tri-county Academic Challenge tournament, her drama club put on there 2nd play. Her league softball team played in a tournament the 1st weekend and may and we were crazy enough to camp that weekend. Princess's traveling tournament team played in and Won 1st place in a tournament and Sweet Pea finished Preschool

That was the 1st 5 months of 2007
to view Part 2 (June - August 2007) Click HERE
To view Part 3(September - December 2007) Click HERE