WOW, have things been busy around here.. I want to give you all a Christmas Recap,but I'll wait till a little later in the week for that or this thing would be the longest post in all of history. So today I'll just stick with our weekend.
1)Friday December 26, 2008
The day after Christmas.. the kids woke me up bright and early(early in my house is between 7:30 and 8AM) They wanted to play with the new Wii they got for Christmas.. So I got it turned on and set up and we spent all day Friday(and I do mean ALL day) playing wii. Princess even had two friends over and they ended up spending the night and played also.. We bowled, we played tennis, we played baseball, we golfed and played the Wii play games(which Little Man seems to love) which has the fishing and the cow races. Mr Man took to the wrestling Raw vs Smack down 2009 game(rented that one), and Guitar Hero the older girls couldn't get enough of(one of Princess's friends brought it over) WE played Wii from 8am till 3am.. and oh my goodness was I tried the next morning.