Thursday, January 29, 2009

7 years ago.

7 years ago today the sweetest little baby was born. She had brown hair and blue eyes. She was 6 lbs 3oz and 19 inches. She entered into the world at 2:12 pm
Here she is on her 1st day home from the hospital.
And on her 1st birthday Her 2nd birthday Her 3rd birthday Her 4th birthday Her 5th birthday

Her 6th birthday

and today she turns 7 years old.

Happy Birthday Sweet Pea.. I love you more then I could ever say.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Report Card Time.

Report Cards for the 2nd semester came out last week, or they should have.. It took till today to get Princess's in the mall(due to snow days and not getting to finish there finals when they should have) but the other two got theirs on Friday. This post might put the normal reader to sleep, but the grandparents enjoy them.. So here you go.. The kids report cards. Lets Start with Sweet Pea the 1st grader.
Nine week Grade.................A
Applies phonics skills...........E
Recognizes and understands vocabulary...E
Demonstrates comprehension strategies...E
Reads fluently with expression....................S+

Nine week Grade..................A+

Writing Composition:
Nine Week Grade................S+
uses correct capitalization and punctuation...E
Writes in complete sentences........S+
Writes to the topic or main idea....S+
Applies correct grammar.......S+
Applies spelling skills...............S

Nine Week Grade..................E
understands concepts.........E
knows addition and subtraction facts....E
Applies problem-solving strategies......E

Social Studies
Nine week grade.......................E

Nine week grade......................E

Nine week grade.....................E
Completes projects.................E
Demonstrates understanding of concepts.....E

Nine week Grade........S+
Actively participates...S+
Skills/demonstrates understanding of concepts...S+

Phys. Ed.
Nine week grade..........E
displays good conduct/sportsmanship...E
Actively participates.................E

Study Skills and Conduct:
Works accurately.....................S+
Listens to and follows directions.......S+
Uses self-control................................E
General school conduct......................E
Completes work on time....................E
Keeps materials and school work organized...S+
Works well with others............S+

Teachers comment. Sweet Pea is doing an excellent job in first grade. Keep up the great work!

Next up Is Mr Man our big 3rd graders.

Nine week grade:.........................A-
Acquires and applies vocabulary....S+
Demonstrates reading comprehension skills....S+
Reads fluently......................................E

Nine weeks grade:............................B
Organizes and expresses ideas........S+
Uses correct punctuations and capitalization's...S
Demonstrates correct format for various writing...S+

Nine week grade.........................A-
spelling tests.................................E
Applies spelling skills to daily work..S+

nine week grade.....B
applies correct grammar usage..S

Nine week Grade..............A
Demonstrates knowledge of basic facts...S+
Uses problem solving strategies......S+
Understands current concepts of study....S+

Social studies:
nine week grade......................A+
Understands functions and responsibilities of citizenship...E
Utilizes maps and graphs, time lines and reference materials....E

SS teachers comment: "Oh Mr Man, I am so proud of you! What an excellent job you're doing in Soc. Studies!"

Nine week Grade.................B
Makes predictions and observations...S+
Draws conclusions and makes inferences...S+

Sci. teachers comment: "Mr Man still needs to improve his focus and participation in class. I know he can work hard to pull this grade up!

side note by KC.. He had a A in Sciences the 1st nine weeks.

Nine week grade......E
Completes projects....E
demonstrates understanding of concepts...E

nine week grade....S+

Phys Ed
nine week grade......E

Study Habits and conduct
Respectful to others, property and rules...........E
works cooperatively In groups..........................E
Displays positive attitude..........................S+
Listens attentively and follows directions.....S
Uses self control...........................S+
Completes assignments in timely manner...........E

Main teacher comment: " Mr Man, although you're still doing a good job, you can do even better by slowing down a bit and checking things over. Go for it Kiddo!"

Last but not least Princess, our 7th grader.
Teachers comment: Excellent effort!

Teachers comment: A pleasure to have in class, Excellent effort!

Teachers comment: Excellent effort!, Well-Mannered and Behaved.

Consumers Ed...............................A
teachers comment: Excellent effort!

teachers comment: good effort

teacher comment: A pleasure to have in class

teachers comment: Good effort

Social Studies....................................A
teachers comment: Excellent effort!

Honor Message: Congratulations! You made the Honor roll.

So there you have it the kids report cards for the 2nd 9 weeks.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Princess's 13th Birthday Party

Friday January 23, 2009 Princess had her birthday party with her friends. DH and I took her and a few friends for pizza and then bowling and about 11:30pm brought the girls back to the house for a sleepover. Here you go, enjoy the party.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Still not feeling 100%

I'm still not feeling 100% so I think I'm skipping my weekend recap at this time anyways.. I did have a busy weekend even though I forced myself to do it all while still sick and this afternoon it just caught up with me and I"m just feeling awful again.. So you will all have to wait to hear about Princess's birthday party for another day.. Sorry.. but in the mean time I'll give you a video clips I took LAST weekend.
It was at Princess's volleyball tournament I'll fill ya all in on the fun party weekend once I'm feeling well enough to sit at the computer.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

blogging break.

Dear blogging friends..
Sorry I haven't been around to visit your blogs or to post any new post.
I have been busy getting ready for 3 birthday parties and then was dealing with sick kids.. Then to top it all off I am now sick myself. ~sigh~ There really should be a rule that moms don't get sick.
Since I feel awful and get dizzy every time I sit up I don't think I'll be making any of my normal post over the weekend..
Hopefully I'll be doing better and back to posting come Monday with my Weekend Recap.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Recap(Princess's birthday weekend)

What a crazy weekend I have had.. here are the highlights.

1) freezing cold weather
2) 3 younger kids spending a few nights with my parents
3) Princess's 1st travel volleyball tournament
4) My oldest became a TEENAGER!!!
5) my youngest got sick :-(
Friday January 16, 2009
It was FREEZING.... Thursday the kids school was called off due to the bidder cold weather, Friday I bet it would have been also, only the kids already had it off for an in service day. So we slept in, then hung out playing Wii in the morning. Later in the afternoon we loaded up the van and took the three younger kids over to my parents.. This was between 2:30pm and 3PM and here is what the temp was outside according to my van.. Now mind you this is the true temp not the feel like temp. With windchill we were pretty much averaging -30 to -35. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

After dropping Mr Man, Sweet Pea, and Little Man off to spend the night night with my parents, We came home had dinner and was watching the 6pm news when I saw this come on the TV.
These were the true temps at that time.. Double Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. and we won't even talk about how cold it was with the windchill.. goodness.. But we are brave people LOL, Princess took off a tad bit later to go to the movies with her friends who were taking her out as a little birthday gift to her. While she was out and about, DH and I took off and went grocery shopping. It was FREEZING out there.. When we got home DH had this bright idea to copy something he saw on the news the other night.. He took a shirt and stuck it in really hot soaking it completely.Next he placed it outside for about 2 minutes maybe a tad less. When he stepped back outside to get it this is what it looked like.
We all went to bed before midnight Friday night because we had to wake up nice and early Saturday morning.

Saturday January 17, 2009
Morning came early for me this day.. 5:30AM in my book is still the middle of the night.. but that is the time the alarm went off. Princess had her 1st travel volleyball team tournament this day and she had to be to the gym which was an hour away by 7AM. I was still pretty much asleep with plans of staying that way in the van on the way there, ONLY when I stepped outside on my way to the van.. the cold hit me like bricks and I was no longer asleep.. I was so very wide awake. Check out the temp from my van when we got to the gym at 7AM.
OH and the best part, the gym we were at.. didn't really have heat.. I'm sure they might have been blowing some heat in somewhere.. but with there big vented fans they had all over the place the cold air was just blowing into the place... I was soooooooooooo happy I had taken a blanket with me.. I took a blanket not only to stay warm in the car but I figured between her matches I would cuddle up relax and read until her next match.. I found myself wrapped up in my blanket and never took it off.. Princess between matches was back in her fleece and wrapped up in her blanket she took with her..

We had a fun time we were there from 7AM till 4:30PM. We didn't really set the world on fire win wise. But we got to get some tournament play in and that is what the point of this tournament was(the normal tournament season doesn't start till March) Out of 8 sets we won 2.

We played really well though.. we only lost by 2 points and never was killed or anything like that and even went into over time with a few of them.. So our team is on there way. Here is a slide show from our time there.

After Volleyball I gave my mom a call to check on the younger three and to tell them I would be on my way shortly to pick them up. They all were doing fine and not wanting to come home.. They had spent the night with my parents Friday night so they wouldn't have to go to the volleyball(there just really is no room for kids, or parents for that matter, at these things) Saturday morning my dad had planned to take the boys to there hair cut appointments which were at 10AM and 10:30AM. Then mom and dad dropped the younger two off at my grandparents house while they took Mr Man to his basketball game.. his team lost again :-(
After basketball they picked the younger two up and went shopping with them. When I called they were at the dollar movies. After that they went to Chuck E Cheeses and then spent the night again at my parents..
Saturday night DH, Princess and I were all sound asleep by 10PM.

Sunday January 18, 2009
PRINCESS'S 13TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overnight and also on Saturday we got more snow.. and due to the blowing and drifting, we got a call to let us know that Sunday morning church was cancelled again. This made the 2nd week in a row(last week was due to the huge amount of snow that fell) So once again I got to sleep in a little I didn't wake up till 9AM so I almost slept around the clock.. but I really needed it, when I did wake up I had the worst headache and when I sat up the room was spinning.. So I just laid down most of the morning trying to NOT get sick. DH took Princess to her softball practice in the afternoon and i forced myself at that time to get moving around.. I took a shower, wrapped Princess birthday gifts, made a birthday cake and then cleaned up the house a little bit. Princess and DH got home and my parents brought over the younger 3 kids.
At that time Princess opened her birthday gifts, then it was time for dinner and time to get dress for PM Church/Awana's/Youth group. We got home about 7:30PM and did cake and ice cream. DH watched football, the boys were playing Wii and the girls and I went into there room to watch the movie on ABC Family.
Halfway though the movie Rhett came running into the room started to say mom and ended up puking all over the place. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet Pea was sick with this puking thing on Wed. I was praying it avoided the rest of us, mostly because of how much was going on this weekend so I'm thankful we had all the weekends event done with by the time Little Man got sick. He puked 3 more times each time on the carpet.. UGH UGH UGH.. Then he fell asleep.. and the rest of us played some wii.
Here is a slide show of the birthday activities of the day.

I still can't get over that I'm a mommy to a teenager.. WOW how the time has flied.. Did you all see the little video I made for her for her birthday???? if you missed it click HERE.
Well here it is now 12:45AM Sunday night/Monday morning.. and I need to get this posted and get to bed..
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 13th Brithday Princess

These pictures are of Princess when she was 1 & 2 days old and then though out this past year when she was 12 years old..
Today the little girl who made me a mommy is a teenager..
Happy 13th Birthday princess I love you more then I could ever say..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Scenic Sunday(1/18/09)

The icicles out on my front porch, taken Tuesday January 13, 2009

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