Report Card Time.
Report Cards for the 2nd semester came out last week, or they should have.. It took till today to get Princess's in the mall(due to snow days and not getting to finish there finals when they should have) but the other two got theirs on Friday. This post might put the normal reader to sleep, but the grandparents enjoy them.. So here you go.. The kids report cards. Lets Start with Sweet Pea the 1st grader.
Nine week Grade.................A
Applies phonics skills...........E
Recognizes and understands vocabulary...E
Demonstrates comprehension strategies...E
Reads fluently with expression....................S+
Nine week Grade..................A+
Writing Composition:
Nine Week Grade................S+
uses correct capitalization and punctuation...E
Writes in complete sentences........S+
Writes to the topic or main idea....S+
Applies correct grammar.......S+
Applies spelling skills...............S
Nine Week Grade..................E
understands concepts.........E
knows addition and subtraction facts....E
Applies problem-solving strategies......E
Social Studies
Nine week grade.......................E
Nine week grade......................E
Nine week grade.....................E
Completes projects.................E
Demonstrates understanding of concepts.....E
Nine week Grade........S+
Actively participates...S+
Skills/demonstrates understanding of concepts...S+
Phys. Ed.
Nine week grade..........E
displays good conduct/sportsmanship...E
Actively participates.................E
Study Skills and Conduct:
Works accurately.....................S+
Listens to and follows directions.......S+
Uses self-control................................E
General school conduct......................E
Completes work on time....................E
Keeps materials and school work organized...S+
Works well with others............S+
Teachers comment. Sweet Pea is doing an excellent job in first grade. Keep up the great work! Next up Is Mr Man our big 3rd graders.
Nine week grade:.........................A-
Acquires and applies vocabulary....S+
Demonstrates reading comprehension skills....S+
Reads fluently......................................E
Nine weeks grade:............................B
Organizes and expresses ideas........S+
Uses correct punctuations and capitalization's...S
Demonstrates correct format for various writing...S+
Nine week grade.........................A-
spelling tests.................................E
Applies spelling skills to daily work..S+
nine week grade.....B
applies correct grammar usage..S
Nine week Grade..............A
Demonstrates knowledge of basic facts...S+
Uses problem solving strategies......S+
Understands current concepts of study....S+
Social studies:
nine week grade......................A+
Understands functions and responsibilities of citizenship...E
Utilizes maps and graphs, time lines and reference materials....E
SS teachers comment: "Oh Mr Man, I am so proud of you! What an excellent job you're doing in Soc. Studies!"
Nine week Grade.................B
Makes predictions and observations...S+
Draws conclusions and makes inferences...S+
Sci. teachers comment: "Mr Man still needs to improve his focus and participation in class. I know he can work hard to pull this grade up!
side note by KC.. He had a A in Sciences the 1st nine weeks.
Nine week grade......E
Completes projects....E
demonstrates understanding of concepts...E
nine week grade....S+
Phys Ed
nine week grade......E
Study Habits and conduct
Respectful to others, property and rules...........E
works cooperatively In groups..........................E
Displays positive attitude..........................S+
Listens attentively and follows directions.....S
Uses self control...........................S+
Completes assignments in timely manner...........E
Main teacher comment: " Mr Man, although you're still doing a good job, you can do even better by slowing down a bit and checking things over. Go for it Kiddo!"
Last but not least Princess, our 7th grader.
Teachers comment: Excellent effort!
Teachers comment: A pleasure to have in class, Excellent effort!
Teachers comment: Excellent effort!, Well-Mannered and Behaved.
Consumers Ed...............................A
teachers comment: Excellent effort!
teachers comment: good effort
teacher comment: A pleasure to have in class
teachers comment: Good effort
Social Studies....................................A
teachers comment: Excellent effort!
Honor Message: Congratulations! You made the Honor roll.
So there you have it the kids report cards for the 2nd 9 weeks.
1 comment:
nice!you must be proud!
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