Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Camera Critter #5
This little fellow flew into my picture.. I was taking pictures last Friday of the beautiful sky and clouds and when I was looking back at the pictures saw that this camera happy sea gal thought he would get in the shot. So figured I would us him as my Camera Critter shot of the week..
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: camera critters.
Your Gonna Miss This Moment #11
My moment that I'm gonna miss is one that drives me up a wall on most days.. The Boys.. Yes my darling boys.. Last weeks moment was my boys playing nicely on the computer holding hands and being so loving. This weeks moment is the other side of my sweet boys..
Captured these photos while at my grandma's during our Thanksgiving with my family.NO this was not him holding his face and saying I love you.. This was Little Man grabbing Mr Man's face and growling at him. Which led to these.
The boys love to wrestle around and they both enjoy it, but normally someone ends up getting hurt. It is normally Mr Man who gets hurt because he is old enough to know how not to hurt his little brother when they are play wrestling, but Little Man gets carried away and really is beating up Mr Man.. not to be mean just in the name of fun, boys being boys sort of thing..
It is at these moments I think I should only have had girls.. LOL..
But I'm sure I'll look back one day and miss these moments of my little boys..
Don't forget to stop by Pam's blog to play along or to view others who have.
Posted by
10:39 AM
Labels: Holidays, kids, your gonna miss this moment
Friday, November 28, 2008
Faith-Lift Friday(11/28/08)
24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: faith-lift Friday
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving 08 (thursday 13)
1) For Jesus for coming to earth, dieing on the cross and rising again.
2) For my salvation
3) For my husband
4) For My children
5)For my parents
6) For my Grandparents
7) For a roof over our heads
8) For food to eat
9) For cloths to wear
10) That at this moment my husband still has an income coming in.
11) That God is always in control
12) That He has promised to provide all our needs
13) That He has promised that all things work together for Good to them that love Him.

Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: Holidays, Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wordless Wednesday(11/26/08)
One Tuesday I went to school and ate lunch with Sweet Pea When I was with Sweet Pea I left Little Man at my grandma's when i got back to pick him up this is how I found him.
Posted by
8:49 PM
Labels: kids, school, wordless wednesday
Prayer request.
Do you all remember back in Sept when I wrote THIS POST
it was the post when we 1st found out about the trouble DH's company was having and that they were putting all workers on the 32 hours a week.. Then a week later I wrote THIS POST
In that post I mentioned that instead of taking everyone to 32 hours a week they laid off a bunch of people DH made the cut and still had a job. But they did away with Over time, moved them to 4 days a week 10 hours a day and cut the shift premium.
Well anyways that is how it has been ever since until this week. Last week each worker found a letter at work letting them know that starting this week and going until the new year that everyone will be working 4 days a week 8 hours a day back to the 32 hours a week.. with a two week plant shut down between Christmas and New Years with no pay.
Then yesterday the big company people came in to meet with the workers and told them that with the way the economy is that unless things pick up by March they are going to have to close the plant.
So Please Pray Gods will in this for us.. Be it the economy picking up where they won't have to close the doors, or a new door opening for us where DH can find a job that will replace the income he was making along with the insurance we will be losing if the company closes.
Posted by
11:34 AM
Labels: prayer
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weekend Recap Nov 21-23, 2008
Another weekend behind us.. Lately the weekends are going by in a blink of an eye, before you know it Christmas will be here.. I want time to slow down between now and Christmas so I can enjoy every moment of the season.
Do you like the above photo, I took it Tuesday morning.. See it's looking alot like Christmas these days even though Thanksgiving is just this week.. Well even if we don't get a white Christmas I'm pretty sure we will have a white Thanksgiving.
There isn't this much snow every where though.. I went to a town about 15 minutes from our house on Friday to do some grocery shopping and there yards were still green, it was like entering a different world.
guess this will be a good place to start my weekend recap.
Friday November 21, 2008 After the kids all got to school DH, Little Man and I took the big table that we used for Mr Man's birthday back to my grandparents house and help them set up for a family dinner we were having on Sunday, then we took off to go get groceries.. We thought we would head to Meijers and get some of there sales items(it is about a 12 to 15 minute drive from our house) ONLY while we were driving there Little Man fell asleep. We didn't want to wake him so we kept driving just a little further and went to the lake.. there was a tiny little bit of ice and snow on the water so I thought I would get a few pictures of it.. I kept having DH pull over and I kept jumping out of the van and snapping pictures.. brrrrrrrr was that cold, but here are a few of the shots I gotAfter Little Man woke up we got groceries and had lunch. Got home put the groceries away.. See all this exciting stuff I did LOL.. Once everything was put away I left DH in charge of Little Man and I went and got my hair cut.. Got 4 inches taken off, got layers and had them cut me some longer bangs.. I haven't had bangs in years. I should have taken before pics but I didn't.. here are the after, this is my hair without doing anything to it.. so it's not all styled, it does look when I take the time to do it LOL.. but it gives an idea of what it looks like, PLUS these were the pics I took of it after getting home from having it done.
Friday night Mr Man and Sweet Pea went to my parents house, they were all excited that there cousins were getting in from TX sometime Saturday and they wanted to be there when they did. Princess went to the movies with a group of her friend and I got to play Taxi driver for that. That is pretty much how I spent Friday night except I also spent some time on the couch watching the Thursday night line up that I taped, Ugly Betty, Greys and Life on Mars. WOW I live an exciting life these days LOL..
Saturday was even more exciting..
Saturday November 22, 2008
DH played taxi driver for Princess and her friends to take them to a youth group work day community service sort of thing. While I stayed home doing laundry, After DH got home I took off to the library returned some books got some more, Then went over my grandma's house taking the chairs back that I used for Mr Man's birthday last week, and I helped Grandma set them up and I helped her get the placemats around the table for the family dinner on Sunday
Then I came home and Little Man was ready for his nap so I thought i would give DH a break since he had him the whole time I was gone. So I went and laid down with Mr Man.. Next thing you know I was waking up 3 HOURS LATER... Little Man was still asleep but goodness I never expected to sleep for 3 hours... The rest of my Saturday was cleaning, watching the stuff I taped from Wednesday night Pushing Daisy's and Private Practices, and playing on the computer.. I elfed the family.. Here is a sneak peek, I'm saving the videos till closer to Christmas.OHHHHHHHHHHHHH also on Saturday I took a picture of this.... Does this belong to you??? Somehow this little thing has made him or herself at home in my yard, back porch and garage.. I fear it is going to freeze to death... it was starving and looks like it has been outside on it's own for a few weeks I would guess... But I know it once had a family because it is very friendly loves the kids and it runs into my house every time we open the door... If anyone knows who cat this is, or if you would like to give it a good home let me know. I really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't want another cat.
Yes one cat is enough for now.. Plus my cat and this cat really don't seem to get along, Here is our cat looking out our window unto our back porch looking at this poor little cat out in the cold.
Sunday November 23, 2008

After church in the morning we had a big family lunch over at my grandparents where we stayed till it was time for church again, My niece A shown above in the pink coat went to Awana's with my kids and they all had fun.. After church took A back to my grandma's and bought my kids home to get ready for bed they still have two days of school before getting to stay with my sister and there cousins over at grandma's houses.. :)

Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: church, day to day happenings., family, kids, weekend recaps
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Scenic Sunday(11/23/08)
I couldn't make up my mind which photo to use this week. You see it snowed here on Monday night and Tuesday I went picture crazy snapping all sort of pretty sights around my yard. There are 6 of them I want to share with you guys. But today I'm only going to post 3 of them since they kind of go together.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: scenic sunday
Camera Critters #4(my sleepy cat)
Earlier in the week I was walking though the house to find our 3 year old cat, sound asleep cuddled up to one of the kids Webinz cat, it was so cute so I took a picture and knew I would use it for today's CC.
so here he is.
Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: camera critters.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Your Gonna Miss This Moment #10
On Monday This week Mr Man was home sick , from school and he and Little Man played well together though out the day(until the girls got home that was LOL)
but I was walking though and I saw This and I knew this was going to be my moment that I'll miss one day so I grabbed my camera..
Little Man is playing Thomas on the computer and he called Mr Man over to show him all the stuff he could do, but him being there watching just wasn't enough, He had to hold his hand to show him...I saw that and my heart melted and I thought.. Those are my little boys.. :)
Don't forget to stop by Pam's blog to play along or to view others who have.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Labels: kids, your gonna miss this moment