T13 and Weekend Recap part 2
Today I'm going to combined part two of our Memorial day weekend along with my T13 post..
So Here it is 13 things I did on Saturday and Sunday May 23 & 24 2009
Saturday May 23, 2009
1) we got up and dressed and then took Princess, her friend K.D. and Little Man and went off on a hunt.. A hunt for a new tent.. Our tent is pushing 9 years old and both the front and back door zippers are acting up or not working at all So we are in need of a new tent if we plan to do any real camping, which I really hope to do a lot of this summer. Only we can't seem to find a tent as big as the one we had for around the same price we paid or a tad bit more.. The stores we seem to have checked don't carry tents that big and the ones that do want more then I'm willing to pay for a tent. Our tent now is 20 x 13 and about 6 1/2 or 7 foot tall in the center. Anyways we had no luck on our hunt Saturday morning :-(
2)Since we were up by the lake on our camping tent hunt we told little Man he could play on the beach.. So while I got some rays he got to play in the sand.. Sand wasn't such a good idea for Princess and her broken toe.. we would have never got all the sand out of her post op. shoe she has to wear to walk right now.. and if she took it off and tried to walk in the sand she would have done a lot more damaged to her toe.. So they called a few friends from there youth group who lives in that area and was going to see if they wanted to hang at the park next to the beach.

3) It turns out that there friends were at a festival and that festival was right next to the beach.. So Princess and her friends hung out there while Little Man got to play in the sand. 

4)After cleaning off the sand and meeting back up together we went for ice cream
and then we took K.D. home and Princess went to hang out with some other friends for a couple of hours and Little Man went to take a walk and ride bikes over at my grandmothers house.

5) while all of that was going on, Mr Man and Sweet Pea was still with my parents and they had taken out my Grandpa's boat for a test drive.. Grandpa bought the boat in November with big hopes of fishing all summer long, but now he has changed his mind and figured a 76 1/2 year old man, really can't get the boat in and out of the lake and shouldn't be out in the middle of the lake alone fishing anyways.. so he is selling it.. But my Dad, Mom and the kids thought they would give it a test run make sure everything works on it before they threw the for sale sign on it. 

6) Since all my kids were busy doing fun things without me, LOL.. DH and I was able to have a nice dinner alone which was really nice and time to talk and hang out.. after dinner we went and picked up Little Man and Princess and her friends G.S and the boyfriend(who as of today is the ex boyfriend again.. I can't keep up with these kids on again off again stuff)
7) DH stayed home with Little Man and got him to bed, while I went with The BF(or ex BF) and Princess and her friend G.S. to the drive-in about 40 minutes away from us to see Night at the Museum 2(great show and I plan to take the younger 3 when it comes to the drive in here in town).. We only stayed for the 1st movie since there was church the next day. This is the line to get into the drive-in theater, It was a mad house. 

Sunday May 24, 2009
8) Went to church Sunday morning. After church Mr Man, Sweet Pea, and Little Man went back to my parents house for a cook out, swimming and s'mores making (they were spending the night again with grandma since grandma wanted them and her pool was ready and warm for swimming) Princess and her friend G.S. went over to my grandma's house for the afternoon to hang out with a group of there friends who all live around grandma's block and from there Princess's friend K.D.'s mom was picking them up at 3:30pm to take them to there small group Bible study and to youth group that night.
9) since i was childless again DH and I thought we would have a nice date day of sorts.. Only for the 1st little bit we would have to drive two cars since I was the mom bring the kids home from youth group that night PLUS we were picking up a bit of lawn and garden stuff for our self and for my grandparents wasn't sure if we would have the room for it all in just the van.. So we stopped at the store we needed to get the supplies from and left DH's car there and then he took me out to lunch.
10) then we took a drive to the lake were we sat on the shore holding hands and walking and talking, it was beautiful at the lake that day, not hot but not too cold either.

11) after we left the lake we went and got the top soil and flowers and stuff that I needed and
12) next we headed over to the Chapel to get the kids from youth group. K.D. was having a party that night and I knew I would have the 4 girls that normally ride with us plus a few.. but when a group of 10 teenagers came out and tried to all fit into my van I was very happy that we had DH's car also.. so we divided them up(both boys and girls) and two guitars and sleeping bags and over night bags and such into both the car and the van and drove them all over to K.D.'s house where the boys were leaving at 10pm and the girls were spending the night.
13) after that we stopped by grandma's and unloaded her stuff and then came home unloaded ours and sat down just in time to watch the Cavs play off game(boy they need to start playing better or it is over..)
So there you have it My Saturday and Sunday of this past weekend.. and my Thursday Thirteen post all rolled into one.
tomorrow I'm hoping to have my Memorial day post up and ready.. if not it will come sometime over the weekend ;-P