Since I have my computer back I thought I would pick up where we left off.. I know this Virgina Beach trip was taken almost two months ago, but I still would like to blog about all my summer trips even if they are a few months behind.
To get you all caught up I took a spear of the moment mini vacation with my parent back on June 30 2008 I wrote about Day 1 of this trip HERE in that post is a short slide show of the pictures I took that day. and I started writing about day 2 but since that was our only full day at the beach I needed to break it up into a few different parts.. So day 2 from sunrise till lunch time you can read about HERE(along with a few pictures and a slide show of the sun rise) Then from lunch time till a late dinner time we did nothing but spend the day on the beach and you can see the slide show of our beach time right HERE
For my T13 post today I thought I would share with you how we ended day two of our trip which was July 1, 2008 and get us started off on July 2nd which is the day we left the beach and headed to D.C.
Like I mentioned we spent Tuesday on the beach and when we couldn't handle anymore sun and fun we cleaned up and went for a late dinner.. We went to the Happy Buffet a wonderful little Chinese buffet place, the food was wonderful. here are the pictures from our dinner.
#1 a pic of me my mom took
#2 another pic from my mom of Princess
#3 mom took also it is of my dad
#4 still off my moms camera a picture of Mr Man
#5 yet again my mom camera work of Sweet Pea
#6 the last one my mom took of Little Man but with me in the background trying to get him to eat, he was so tired.

#7 starts the pictures I took, Little Man, Sweet Pea and my mom

#8 My dad, Mr Man and Princess

#9 Princess 1st time to have sushi

That is the end of the dinner pics.. after dinner we cursed the strip and enjoyed the lights and sounds of Virgina Beach then went to bed some what early since we were getting up at the crack of dawn to pack and leave for home, with a short detour into Washington D.C.
to finish off my T13 today I'll share the last of the pictures I took while still at the beach on Wednesday July 2, 2008
#10 The early morning sun on the water

#11 don't have a clue what this is called but I thought it was cool how they were sweeping the beach so that it would look all nice clean and fresh before anyone was out on the beach for the day.

#12 more of the same

#13 Good bye beach we will miss you.

AND for you viewing pleasure LOL.. two bonus pictures of what I found as I walked back into the room after taking the morning beach pictures.

That is how we spent our time in Virgina Beach this summer.. there will be a 5th part to this trip coming soon and that will be from our time in Washington D.C. which was really cool.. So be looking for that. Hopefully I'll find time to post about it with in the next week.