From God's Word Fridays(Feb 27, 2009)
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
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12:00 AM
Labels: From God's Word.
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8:09 AM
Labels: doctors, kids, Thursday Thirteen
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9:43 AM
Labels: kids, Sports, wordless wednesday
Another not so exciting weekend. I do hope my kids get well and stay well for awhile so we can start enjoying weekends outside of the house again soon.
Friday February's 20, 2009
I woke up about 4am to find a very hot burning to the touch 3 year old curled up beside me in my bed, talking about a dream he had just had and he really was making no sense at all. At 6am I had to wake Princess up for school and took Little Man's temp and it was really high.. So I called the doctors office knowing they were not open but wanting them to fit him in so we wouldn't have to wait all weekend. Shortly after placing that call I got a phone call from the school asking me if I could sub at the 5th and 6th grade building.. So I said yes and woke up DH and told him I would need him to stay home with the sick kids.
Sweet Pea is off of school right now because of her Mono and Little Man sick again. So after getting Princess and Mr Man to school I went to work and DH got the call to take the sickies into the doctors.
Little Man tested positive for the flu and the rechecked Sweet Pea's spleen.. not such great news there.. it was a little swollen before on Friday it had doubled in size.. so now we are being very careful with her. i found this pic DH took while at the doctors and I didn't even ask him to do it.. guess I have him trained well the goo little husband of a blogger who wants pics in her posts LOL.
Friday after I got off work I picked up Little Man's prescription and came home to care for the kids and give DH a break.
I picked up the house and got dinner together.. Then Princess went to the movies with her friends.. When the movie was over I was the taxi mom who got to pick them up and take them to taco bell. Once I dropped them off I made a trip to walmart to pick up some Tylenol and Motrin for myself and DH. and then went back and picked the kids up and dropped them all off at there homes and came home and I was asleep before 11pm. Exciting I tell ya LOL..
Saturday February 21, 2009
The Excitement continued.
1st thing this morning I thought I would go and get a hair cut I was in need of a trim.. the lady wasn't really listening to me on how I just wanted a longer thin layer of bangs that laid just below my nose and she cut them short to where the really look like bangs and I really really don't like myself in bangs. I haven't had them above my nose in like 9 years. I guess I can live with them till they grow out but ugh..
Mr Man had indoor soccer today, just conditioning but he was running a slight fever himself and I am so over sick kids he said he felt fine but i wasn't letting him out of the house today I don't want that slight fever to turn into anything more then a random fever(is there even such a thing?) I only took his temp because DH hugged him and said he felt warm. My afternoon was spent caring for a clingy sick 3 year old and a girl with Mono who spleen can burst if she does anything to active.. but yet she isn't feeling sick so when she isn't sleeping and she has her energy she up and running and jumping.. I had to sit her down 3 times today and try to explain it without scaring her to badly.(oh I'm typing this on Saturday)
Sweet Pea, Little Man and I did get a nice 2 hour nap this afternoon.. Not something I was planning for myself but I needed it I guess.
This evening I ran to he store for cough drops because my throat is killing me. the kids all played and then complained they have nothing to do and they sat around complaining that my parents went to TX to see my sister without them and how unfair is that and all I heard was how much they wish they were in TX with there cousin A and little E..
Princess didn't get in on this poor me I'm sick and board and not in TX act, she had other plans and outing with her youth group. A half nighter at the YMCA from 7PM till Midnight.
It is 10PM Saturday as I type this part of my recap.. DH had fallen asleep Mr Man and Sweet Pea are playing Wii and Little Man is sound asleep on my lap. guess I'll need to wake DH up in about an hour, It's are turn to do the picking up from the youth group activity..
Oh Princess before heading out tonight used mt phone to take a picture of herself.. Silly girl should know if she uses my phone for such thing it will end up in the blog.
Sunday February 22, 2008
today I stayed in the house caring for sick kids and being sick myself.. I caught Little Man's flu, or at least that is what I think it is.. icky all over and all stuffed up, my whole body hurts and my head feels like it is going to pop. I have spent my time laying on the couch and sleeping in bed. Now I tell ya this has been one very exciting weekend recap LOL. I did shower and watch my hair and after washing it and letting it dry to it's natural wavy state(my hair never is straight unless I work at it, but it's not extremely curly either) the bangs didn't look half bad.. don't like it though when I don't have the wavy hair going along with them. I thought about taking another picture because it looks better then the one I took yesterday.. except I feel like crap and don't care to get up and do it.
So that is my Recap.
I do hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Posted by
7:12 PM
Labels: day to day happenings., doctors, kids, my job, prayer, school, weekend recaps
You all remember me talking about how DH's company might not make it though this hard economic times???
We found out last night that the company is going to close. they are going to do it over the next 4 to 6 weeks. They are laying off 1/2 the people there after next week.. DH is in that group of lay offs.. So as of Feb 28 he will no longer have a job and we will no longer have insurances.
Please Pray that we are able to find some sort of insurances at least for the kids quickly.. and that DH's finds another job soon.
It is sort of a scary time.. But we know that God has a plan for us though this even if at the moment we don't know what it is..
Update on my sick kids.
I'm not sure what I posted last about Sweet Pea.. Tuesday she had an appt and got her blood work results.. and it is for sure Mono and on Tuesday her spleen was a little swollen.. She was going to school 1/2 days not full days because of how tired she was getting..
Well her sleepiness seemed t have got worse and they now have her off school altogether.. which after being seen by the doctor today I think is a good thing.. Her spleen has gotten alot bigger since Tuesday and they don't really want her doing much of anything at all. They told us that we even need to be careful driving when she is with us because of hitting bumps in the roads, might rupture her spleen. ~sigh~
So pray for Healing for Sweet Pea.
Had Little Man back at the doctors today also. On Wed night early Thurs. morning he woke up with a fever again. Had it all day yesterday and when he woke up with it again this morning I figured might as well use are insurance while we still have it.. so took him in to see the doctor.. they did another flu test on him(last one was 1/30/09) this time it came back positive.. So my Little man now has the flu. So keep him in your prayers also..
So there is my update... Looking like my weekend recap might be me staying home with the sick kids yet again.. :-(
Posted by
8:43 PM
Labels: day to day happenings., doctors, kids, prayer
Posted by
6:15 PM
Labels: birthdays, kids, slide shows, wordless wednesday
This weekend seems to have been a little more like what I'm use too.. no more of that sitting around the house doing nothing with a ton of sick people.
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7:30 PM
Labels: birthdays, church, family, Holidays, kids, slide shows, Sports, weekend recaps
Psalms 18:1-3
1 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: From God's Word.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Labels: birthdays, day to day happenings., doctors, kids, school, Thursday Thirteen
Weekend Recap time again.. This has not been the most exciting weekend ever.. With a little girl with Mono there wasn't much running around this weekend.
Friday February 6, 2008
We had cancelled her friends birthday party once again and we did nothing but stay at home.. she pretty much still sleeps the day away so she would get up and play a few minutes and then go back and fall asleep.. Friday for most of the day she was fever free but about 9pm her fever was back.. While I stayed home with Sweet Pea and Little Man, DH took Princess and Mr Man and one of Princess's friends to mine an DH's home town for a high school basketball game. Princess thought it was really funny to see old pictures of her parents hanging on the school walls.
Saturday February 7, 2008
I had cancelled the family birthday party for the girls once again.. because of sick Sweet Pea.
That morning Mr Man had a basketball game and since DH took him last week while I stayed with the sick kids, I took Mr Man this week and left him home with the sick kids.
It was a good game.. Mr Man's team won 6-2
After the game I was making a stop over my grandma's house when I turned on to her road I hit a water puddle (I had been hitting them all day it was 40 outside yesterday and all the mountain of snow we have had for two months was melting) and I lost all steering in my van..
I was on grandma's road and could drive in a straight line so I made it up to my grandmas house and tried to turn into her driveway but that wasn't happening.. so I just stopped in front of her house and sent Mr Man inside while I figured out who I should call.. 1st thought was to call my DH but then it hit me.. his car is broke down at the moment and he would have no way to get to me.. So I called my dad.. who started to give me all these major things that could be wrong with my van.. then he called me back and said.. hey wait a minute open up the hood, lets see if the belt slipped off... Sure enough the belt slipped off.. So he told me to stay put he was on his way. 2 hours later I had the belt put back on and could drive my van again. So 3 1/2 hours after leaving the house I was back home.. and OH MY GOODNESS did they destroy the place.. it was a mess when I walked in.. So I started to pick up around the house. and then stayed in playing on the computer and reading the rest of the day/night.
DH took Princess and a friend to meet up with some other friends, and He and Mr Man got the oil changed in the van.. but all of them were home by 6pm we ate dinner and that was our exciting Saturday.
Sunday February 8, 2009
I ended up home from church again.. staying with Sweet Pea my girl with Mono, and Mr Man who was having some tummy trouble, and Little Man who I think is pretty much better now.
Princess was asked to play for a 16U fastpitch softball team who pitcher was sick or something so in the afternoon she went and played indoor softball.
In the evening I was still at home with the 3 younger kids, DH had gone to bed since he had to work sunday night and Princess went to church/youth group.
but that was all there was to our Sunday..
See told ya.. not all that exciting of a weekend. Hope you all had a fun weekend.
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: weekend recaps