Weekend Recap (3/26-28/10)
Friday March 26, 2010
Wasn't anything major going on Friday.. DH worked weird hours for overtime So he woke up at 3pm and left for work at 3:30pm so I didn't see him again until he got home at 2am and passed out. As for me and the kids.. After school Princess went over to my grandparents house since they have been complaining she never spends time over there anymore. While she was there I packed up the other 3 kids, feed them dinner and drove them out to my parents house where they were spending the night since Princess had a J.O. Volleyball tournament in the morning.
I got back into town around 7pm picked up Princess and her friend CC.(who was spending the night with us on Friday) We hit the walmart before heading home got some junk to munch and then went home. They played on the computer while I showered and got ready for a movie night in. Then we bought out all the junk food and started New Moon.. It was like a old fashion slumber party.. LOL just me and the girls.. It was fun.. until some 16 year old high school boy crashed the party.. Then I jumped back into mom mode and was thinking WHAT ON EARTH is this Sophomore in High School stopping by to visit with my 14 year old 8th grade daughter... but was just happy he was now able to drive a car and wanted to show off a bit... OH MY GOODNESS DRIVE A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so not ready for my baby girl to be growing up..~sigh~ He wanted to meet me also so he did, he seems like a really nice kid.. but I still had to tell him NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wanted to yell ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!!) when he asked me at 10pm if he could take Princess out driving around till 11pm.. "I promise I'll have them(both Princess and CC)back by 11pm, I have to be home early tonight because I have to work in the morning so we will be back on time" UMMMMMM Maybe if she was 16 years.. but sorry kid not at 14.. and even at 16 years old I don't think I'm going to be feeling way to comfy with teenagers who are new at driving driving my children around.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not ready for this growing up stuff... Anyways.. the kid hung out here a bit and then had to leave.. we finished up the movie and went to bed... early day in the morning..