Last weekend of August.. :-(
I am so not happy at all about summer coming to an end and with September starting on Tuesday, I guess I just better get ready for fall. We sort of did both summer and fall stuff this weekend.. It made it really seem like fall since it was only in the 60's to low 70's all weekend.
Friday Aug 28, 09
Started the day taking the kids to school, then came back home where I had a 30 minute wait before having to head out and take Little Man to occupational therapy. After therapy I had some running to do and then was home for about 20 more minutes before I had to head over to the elementary school pick up Sweet Pea and take her to her doctor appointment.. She hasn't been feeling well for a week and Friday morning started saying he ear felt like it was all clogged up.. Turns out she not only has a cold(which I could have told ya that LOL) but ear infections in both of her ears. I took Sweet Pea out of school 15 minutes before her lunch but it took so long at the doctors that her lunch was long over by the time we got out, so I made a stop at McDonald's and let Sweet Pea and Little Man play on the playground in between bits of there $1 Mc whatever sandwich. Then rushed her back for her afternoon classes. Before heading home I stopped by the drug store to see if Sweet Pea's prescription was ready(the doctor had faxed it to them about 40 minutes before hand) But they were not ready, they told me to stop back in 30 minutes. So I got home and sat down for the 1st time really looked at the clock and I had an hour before having to go pick the kids up from school.. I try to figure out where my day had gone and after adding up all my stop of the day.. I had buckled and unbuckled Little Man out of his car seat 18 times and we still had a few more trips left for the day..
I took off to pick the kids up 10 minutes early figured I would stop back by the drug store and pick up Sweet Pea's antibiotic before heading to the the school OH I forgot to tell you, at this point it was looking like it was going to open up and storm a big one, and not wanting to deal with a 4 year old and his car seat in a middle of a storm I woke DH up and told him he slept enough for one day
LOL.. and left Little Man with him. I picked up the prescription but it took me 20 minutes in line there and I pulled into the school parking lot just as the bell rang to let them out of school.. got them home and thought I would get a start on cooking dinner.. I got 1/2 of dinner cooked when I saw it was time to take off to pick up Princess from School/Volleyball practices. I had just put the garlic bread into the oven, You all remember my last post about
Garlic Bread.
So I looked to DH again.. "hey honey to you want to keep an eye on dinner or pick up Princess" he picked the drive across town job,
LOL.. They got home and it was 5pm so we sat down for dinner. Only the 2
nd time I sat down on Friday ... After that I didn't want to do anything more Friday night.. So I started a bit of laundry, played online, listen to the kids complain that it was raining and there was nothing to do, so I gave them the batteries for the
Wii and let them at it.. Princess took off about 6:30pm with some of her friends and one of the other moms to go sit in the rain for an away high school football game. she got home about 11pm and once she was home I was sound asleep with in minutes.
Saturday Aug 29, 2009
woke up did the rest of the laundry, put the kids to work at getting the living room, dinning room and kitchen clean..(though somehow looking at it tonight you can't tell at yesterday morning it was spotless ~sigh~) While they worked at that, DH was out doing yard work and cutting the grass and pulling some weeds and all that outdoor stuff he enjoys and I hate. While I took it upon myself to tackle the mess in the basement.. took awhile but I got the basement all cleaned, it is not a finished basement so part of the cleaning of it was clearing out the cobwebs and sweeping up the cement floors.. when I came upstairs I was sneezing.. It was starting to turn into a nice day, so the kids all headed outside to play, while I showered(cob webs in my hair was not a fun thing) and DH cooked Lunch.. After eating lunch we got a phone call from my dad who was heading though our town on his way home from getting something done with the boat, he wanted to know if any of the kids wanted to go to grandma and grandpa's to spend the night.. The 3 younger ones did so I had like 5 or 10 minutes to get all there stuff packed up and have them waiting by the road as the truck and boat drove by since there is no parking anything that big any where around our house.. So as he drove by and stopped they all jumped in and off they went..
Once they were gone, DH, Princess and I took off to a town next to our to go to a sporting good store, she has hurt her wrist in v-ball and wanted some prewrap and tape to tape up her arm to play, She was also in need of some white volleyball socks for the school uniform since my goofball daughter had wholes in her good white v-ball socks and has been wearing her funky color ones which look awful with the school uniforms.. After picking up all that fun stuff we hit the grocery store and got the groceries for the week.. Came home put everything away and ate dinner. At 6pm I saw that the movie The Lake House was starting, I had never seen it and have always wanted to, so I took a break and watched it.. It was really a good movie, I liked it.. While I was watching the movie Princess got some text from some of her friends from SP wanting to know if she wanted to go to there football game(SP is the catholic school here in our town)DH told her that would be fine since the game was like a 2 minute drive from our house.. and he dropped her off.
My Movie ended at 8pm and I thought it would be a good time to bleach down the basement(something like like to do at least once a year) So I spent from 8pm to 9pm making my head spin and making it hard to breath bleaching down the basement. When I got upstairs I went outside to get some fresh air and DH was out there with the fire pit making a fire.. So I joined him.. and we sat outside watching the fire fr 3 hours(minus the 5 minutes I was gone picking Princess up when the football game ended)
When the fire had died out Dh and I came in and went to bed.
Sunday Aug 30, 09
Got up and left at 9am for Sunday school, after church we took right off to Toledo for Princess's travel tournament softball practices which was from 1pm to 3pm.. we stopped somewhere along the turnpike to change out of church cloths. I let the kids eat some chips and crackers and stuff along the way.. and then they played at the playground for 2 hours during the practices. After the practices the whole team and all there family members(OH there are 5 FIVE other families from this team that have 4 kids like we do and four of those 5 all have kids the same age as my 4, there were alot of kids running around today) headed over to the coaches house(HUGE place on a big pond with peddle boats and the team got to play on)for a picnic cookout.. It was a nice time and good time like I said lots of kids for my kids to play with. We left there a little before 6pm and got home around 8pm.. Got the kids ready for bed and then started a fire for them to watch(they were asking) around 8:20pm and sent them into the house and got them into bed a bit after 9pm. DH and I went back out and watch the fire till about 10pm when it died out.. And that is when I started typing out this weekend Recap.. It is now pushing 11pm and I'm heading to bed.
That was my weekend..
Sorry I didn't take any pictures this weekend, didn't even carry my camera with me anywhere(though I did mean to take it today but left it on the table when we left for church this morning)
Hope you all had a nice weekend..