Thought I would join in the fun over at 5 mins for moms and play long in the Halloween Link Up. I haven't done any blogging fun in so long, I'm such a bad blogger.
But I did have fun with the kids trick or treating this year so I thought I would share. Our town does Trick or Treating the Thursday before Halloween. This year Princess and friends did not trick or treat in the same area as us. They went to one of her friends neighborhoods but I still have a few pics of them when I dropped her off.
Here is her Friend KY, Crazy J, Princess and JB.
Here they are again.

Crazy J, and Princess.

Now back at our normal trick or treating spot. We have Mr Man

Sweet Pea and her friend BW
And Little Man before heading out trick or treating.
And there off, Little Man, BW and Sweet Pea
Little Man
Sweet Pea and BW posing with Mr Man in the background.
here is my Sweet Pea
It was really cold and windy. Do you see those white dots?? It was also raining but the kids had fun.
On Saturday Oct 30,2010 my Mom's town has there trick or treating, so we loaded up the van with a few friends and headed to grandmas house.
Here is Sweet Pea with her group of friends who went along with us. LN, TN, Sweet Pea and BW.
Little Man and LN
The crew that walked with me. TN, LN, Little Man, BW, Sweet Pea and Mr Man.
Mr Man shortly after starting off ran into one of his new BF's from school.
And Princess had planned to meet up with one of her friends who live in my mom town to trick or treat with her.
Everyone had fun this Halloween, even if on Halloween day we did nothing Halloween-ish except for scaring the living daylights out of Princess when she got back from youth group that night ;-)
After PM church on Halloween evening, and after the younger kids got out of Awanas and Youth group was over, Princess and the youth group went out for pizza. DH had this idea to scare Princess when she was dropped off at home.. We told Princess to text us when she was on her way home. She did. At that time DH put on a dark coat and Mr Man's trick or treating wig and stood in the dark driveway, When Princess got home and was walking towards the house he jumped out and scared her... OH MY GOODNESS did she scream her head off and so did the rest of the girls in the car along with Crazy J's mom.. Ooopes didn't mean to scare the driver :-)
That's all I have for this Halloween Link Up.. to view more Halloween Link Up click here