Just jumping right in
Sorry I have been away for so long.. there is so SOOOOOO muh I need to bring you all up to date on, but I just don't have the time to do that right now...
So for now I'm just jumping in and giving you a recap of my week..
Sunday July 8, 12 Princess's travel softball team took 2nd in the tournament they were playing in that weekend.
Monday July, 9, 12 I had a day of rest and cleaning and calling doctors and hospitals and insurance companies, and mortgage companies, and more doctors and more doctors.. DH took Sweet Pea and Little Man putt-putting that evening and he took pics but I forgot to load them to the computer so no pics to go along with that. But before all that stuff I just mentioned I took off in the morning to drop Princess off at camp
Tuesday July 10, 12... more cleaning more laundry and more doctors. Then in the evening I sat though two ball games... One for Little Man and One for Sweet Pea
Wed. July 11, 12 in the evening I took the kids and friends to the drive-in to watch Brave and The advengers.
Thursday July 12, 12 I spent the day packing and planning for a trip to Detroit MI to the childrens Hospital.. something you all have missed since I have been gone is The Mr Man has been really sick. He has the same immune disorder as Sweet Pea(which I mentioned before I fell out of the blogging world) and he has been sick since Sept 2011 and hasn't been able to attend school since Oct 2011..
Friday July 13, 2012 was the big trip to MI for Mr Man to have high dose IVIG for his PANDAS(the immune disorder both Sweet Pea and Mr Man has and we fear Little Man has it also) I'll come back and explane more about what PANDAS and IVIG is later.. or you can visit my other blog Sweet Pea's journey with PANDAS.. I have to go take care of Little Man who has to be back in the hospital in the morning for the 2nd round of IVIG...
so how was that for a quick jumping in update..
I didn't even get a chance to tell you about myself or DH
but a very fast update with DH is he has been out of work for a year now due to his company which he worked at for 18 years closing there doors.. He hasn't had any luck at all finding a job, so he has been taking classes to get his CDL and hopefully soon I'll beable to post about my adventures as a Truck drivers wife. :)
Later all my lost blogging friends.